7+1 ways to boost conversion rate

7+1 ways to boost conversion rate



To understand the performance of your website, it is important to check the conversion rate of your website. Every user may have different goals for a website. To achieve this, it's important to keep your conversion rate as high as possible, as this will prove that a greater proportion of your website traffic is being converted into meaningful activities that add value to your business. It is important to clarify that the conversion rate shows the percentage of visits that result in an actual conversion.

You may find that your conversion rate is low if your website is difficult or inefficient to perform the tasks you want to do, and your website's offer is not very valuable to potential customers.

To help you avoid a low conversion rate, here are 7+1 best practices for conversion rate optimization.


1. Use the right titles

The title is what gives the guests the first feeling, which can make a big difference to the conversion rate of your website. If it carries enough information and interest, the visitor is likely to click and continue browsing the page. It is important to be brief but precise about the main topic of the page in these few words.

What is a good headline?

  • Increase the reader's curiosity
  • Answer a question for your audience
  • Describe what problem the article will solve
  • Be educated

This process shouldn't be rushed, because choosing a good headline can affect the conversion rate. You should analyze your headlines to find out which ones perform best and which ones don't. 

From the Cyber City Express site, more useful information on headlines  revealed by the Content Marketing Institute:

  • Headlines with eight words perform best. These titles had a 21% higher click rate than the other titles.
  • Headlines (captions) that use a colon or hyphen achieved a 9% better conversion rate than headlines without a colon.
  • Titles with odd numbers had a 20% higher click rate relative to titles with even numbers.


2. Using CTA

Generally speaking, a large proportion of people who read the headline will also read the CTA, so it is important to make it as interesting and eye-catching as possible, as well as meet the desire. Also, if your offer is irresistible to visitors, more of them are sure to visit your site, thus increasing your conversion rate. The form of CTAs can vary, which I recommend using. Some popular CTAs are pop-ups, buttons, in-line anchor text, price tables, etc. I see that websites that hardly use Call to Action perform less well, and it shows in the conversion rate.


3. Speed is the deciding factor

We live within a society accustomed to immediate satisfaction. No one wants to wait longer than a few seconds. For this reason, page loading speed plays a big part in conversion rate. Most users have reported that they will bounce if the site takes too long to load, so make sure your website takes no more than 3 seconds to load because then potential customers may leave and the conversion will not happen. This process is often referred to by marketers as the conversion funnel, which is all about helping you understand the process through which a potential customer gets to your website and then performs the desired action, i.e. conversion.


4. The existence of trust

It is important to share content with users that come from credible sources. Display these sources on your website so that visitors can see how credible the information and data are coming from. Customers must trust your website. 

The following can be crucial in this regard:

  • Good, clear, unambiguous descriptions and photos that inspire confidence.
  • Help and contact as easily as possible.
  • Include customer reviews, as customers are more likely to identify with and trust the opinions of people who have already interacted with the shop.
  • Easy recognition and presentation of the service provider site, brand, or person.
  • As much information, help, and legal issues as possible in a clear but thorough way in the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.
  • If available, a guarantee.

Any other communication that is informative, useful, and builds trust on the About Us page is part of building a relationship of trust. The about us page is designed to give visitors a closer look at the people behind the company. It's important to make sure that the about us page is never clichéd and dry like a documentary, but that it evokes positive emotions from visitors. It should be about mission, enthusiasm, communicating knowledge, and prestige. 



5. The importance of videos and images

Videos and images are more popular than ever for companies to showcase their skills and practices. But, I would like to point out that if you are using a hosting site such as YouTube, don't forget to remove any linked or recommended videos at the end, as I'm sure you don't want to suggest a competitor and lose a potential client because of it.

Good images will improve the user experience on your site. These images should depict your key messages and anything that is not relevant or overused should be removed. Use images and videos that work to your advantage to improve your conversion rate.


6. Mobile-friendliness

Today, 42% of users use their smartphone or tablet while browsing for your services. If your website doesn't convert well on a mobile device, they are unlikely to be willing to stay on your website because, if they are unable to navigate it via their mobile device, they are forced to look for mobile-friendly solutions. So I recommend making sure that your website and landing pages perform well on both mobile devices, to maximize the conversion rate.


7. Live chat

Related to the previous one, I would also mention the live chat feature. People like the option of not having to spend a lot of time and money on a phone call to get information. That's why they prefer sites that also offer live chat. This is usually fast, and efficient and the user is more likely to make a better-informed decision, which can also contribute to higher conversion rates.



+1. Create abandoned cart email campaigns

It often happens that potential customers spend a lot of time on a website, selecting a product, deciding which service they want to use, and adding it to their shopping cart, or they are in the ordering phase when something interrupts and the buyer doesn't happen. There could be several reasons for this, which I don't want to answer now, but rather give you some advice. Never lose customers who have already added your product or service to their shopping cart. So, I would tell you to create an "abandoned cart email campaign" so that when someone abandons your cart, you receive an email reminder. By sending out such reminders, you can even give users a discount or coupon to encourage them to make a sale. If you set up this campaign as soon as possible, you're guaranteed to lose fewer conversions.




Improving conversion rates have been a never-ending process, and the tricks go on and on. Ultimately, you need to focus on driving better conversions than previous records, to do this you need to keep in mind your customers' needs and requirements. Think about the way your clients think, experience, and analyze new ideas. There is no single formula for increasing the conversion rate, but if you follow the steps above, you should be on an equal footing with your best competitors.