Digital Marketing 101: 10 Tips To Get You Started

Digital Marketing 101: 10 Tips To Get You Started


 Digital marketing is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. It has opened new avenues for businesses to reach out to their customers and target them effectively. Digital marketing can be divided into two main categories: paid digital advertising and organic/inbound marketing. The former involves paying to place ads on websites, social media networks, or mobile apps; whereas the latter includes using tools like search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing to attract potential customers through word-of-mouth referrals, by sending emails with useful information about your product/service offerings, etc.


1. Have a Strategy Before You Start

If you are just getting your feet wet in the world of digital marketing, it's important to have a strategy before you begin. You cannot just start throwing money at ads or doing anything that seems like a good idea at the time. That is why having an overall plan will help guide your actions and make sure they are all working towards the same goals.

It should be something that outlines what you want to accomplish with your digital campaign, how much time and resources it will take to execute on this plan, who needs to be involved in making sure each element of the plan comes together correctly (such as copywriters or other people who have specialized knowledge), what metrics need to be tracked once things go live so they can be adjusted accordingly along with any other necessary information related specifically towards achieving success within this campaign including but not limited to: budgeting/funding sources available; projected ROI; ROI projections based on potential success rates happening right now if possible instead of later which would allow us more flexibility when spending money advertising online etc.


2. Understand Your Target Audience

To optimize your digital marketing strategy, you need to understand your target audience. What do they want? How can you help them? What are their demographics? How do they use social media, search engines, and other online channels? Why should they care about what you have to offer?


This process is also known as persona development or customer profiling. Persona creation gives businesses a way to identify who their ideal customers are and how they interact with brands in the real world (or digital world).


3. Make Compelling Content

Make content that is relevant to your audience: Don't waste your time with generic content. You can easily tell the difference between a piece of marketing that was written just to fill space and one that has been tailored to fit its intended audience. If you are not sure what kind of information they would want, ask them. Keep in mind that people are looking for something specific when they read articles online so it is important to make sure you are giving them what they need.

Use keywords that are relevant to your audience: When writing, use keywords related to your business and industry as often as possible without overdoing it—just be sure they are natural in context. If someone else were reading this article, would they notice? When used naturally, keywords increase the likelihood of receiving traffic from search engines like Google (or Bing). They also show up underlined in search results; this makes it easy for readers who don't know much about SEO or link building strategies yet still want help with those topics to find exactly what's being discussed here now.


4. Don’t Just Stay Local, Go Global and Reap the Benefits

In the last few years, the internet has become a global marketplace. Theoretically, you can sell your products and services to anyone, anywhere in the world. This means more sales for you, increased brand awareness and higher social media engagement. It also means that your website traffic will increase which gives you a chance to be featured on some of the biggest websites in the world (like Forbes).


5. Build Your Brand and Make It Unique

The goal of your brand is to stand out in the market and make customers choose you over other similar businesses. To do this, you will need to be unique and different from other brands. If you can build a strong brand that helps you get more customers and build a loyal customer base, then people will remember your business by name.


When building your brand, think about what makes it different from others:


How does your service/product work? (e.g., does it work differently than other similar services/products?)


What are its features? Is there anything unique or special about how it works?


Who is the target audience for your product/service? What type of person would want this kind of product/service?


6. Use Visuals, but Do not Overdo It

It is no secret that visual content has been shown to increase engagement. The use of visuals can help you tell your story, engage with your audience, and make your content more engaging. However, there is a fine line between using enough visuals and overdoing it.

Do not get too hung up on adding every single picture and video possible to each piece of content that you publish online—in fact, it is better to err on the side of caution when it comes to adding unnecessary imagery or videos. The goal here is not just quantity but rather quality: if you use too many images or videos in one post or article respectively, it may distract from what matters most (your message). Also avoid using stock photos—they are not professional at all.


7. Target Your Followers and Make Use of Analytics Tools

Once you have got a good idea of who your target audience is, it is time to start targeting them. Using analytics tools like Google Analytics will help you understand what specific posts work best with your followers and which ones do not. You will also be able to see how well your content performs in different areas like Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

Keep in mind that while metrics are important, they should not dictate everything about the way that you do digital marketing.

Once you have taken all this information into account (and any other data points that may help), create better optimized content based on what works best for each platform and audience type.


8. Social Networking Works Wonders


Social media is an incredible tool for marketing your brand and engaging with customers. You can use it to provide customer support, share content, generate leads, gain brand awareness, and even improve your search engine optimization (SEO).

Before you begin using social media for marketing purposes, however, make sure that you have the following:


  • A plan that is tailored to your business goals
  • An understanding of how each platform works
  • An understanding of the best practices for each platform


9. Keep Track of Your Marketing Goals and Update Them Regularly

 Review your goals every 6 months.

 Ensure that your goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Result-Oriented and Time-bound).

 Use a goal setting tool to help you set and track your marketing objectives.

 Use a marketing calendar to help you stay on top of all the things that need doing throughout the year and make sure you do not miss any deadlines or opportunities for outreach.


10. Engage with Your Audience More Often

 You can keep your audience engaged by:

Responding to their queries. If a customer asks a question, answer it. A business that takes the time to address each question will be seen as more trustworthy than one that does not.

Giving them reasons to stay loyal to your brand. For example, if you sell products that are seasonal in nature (like holiday decorations), offer a discount on those items during the appropriate season. Or if you run contests or promotions where customers can win something free, make sure they know about these opportunities so they feel like they are getting something out of their relationships with you—and might want some more.


Digital Marketing is one of the fastest growing industries and there are ample opportunities for growth if you do it correctly

There are many opportunities for growth in this industry and it is one of the fastest growing industries. If you want to make acareer out of digital marketing, then you need to learn what works and what does not. You need to understand the audience that you are trying to reach, who they are and why they would be interested in what you have to offer them.

You also need to be able to create compelling content that will attract people from your target market and convert them into customers or followers on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter etc., which will help increase traffic on your website or blog and build stronger relationships with potential customers so that when they are ready for some product or service then they look no further than yours because they already know how much value that can bring them into their lives.



 If you are new to digital marketing, it can seem like a daunting task. But if you follow these tips, things will be much easier for you. You will be even more successful and have better results as well.