6 Effective Ways To Be Truly Productive At Work

6 Effective Ways To Be Truly Productive At Work



Do you hate the term "hustle culture"?

You're not alone.

That word seems to function more as an excuse for burnout than it does as a helpful way to get stuff done and stay motivated. Believing that the squeaky wheel always gets the grease, too many among us spin around in circles all week long—displaying all the hustle and bustle of a frenzied bee, but without anything to show for it come Friday afternoon.

It all feels like a bit of a dog and pony show, rewarding hours instead of output.

It's time to ditch the hustle culture and take a different approach to productivity.

Here are six smart ways to make yourselfindispensable at work without having to run yourself ragged:

1. Limit Distractions

No one remembers when everyone in the business world apparently huddled together and decided that multitasking was a great idea.

It's really not.

While there are some ninja-level people out there who can balance a gazillion tasks at once, for the rest of us mere mortals, multitasking is a recipe for disaster. Now, instead of turning in one great project on time, you've got 4 half-baked ones due tomorrow.

Instead of splitting your attention between everything, limit distractions and focus intently on the task at hand. That means turning off notifications and clearing out blocks of uninterrupted time to be as productive as possible in one area at a time. That means no emails, no social media, and nothing unrelated to the task at hand.

If you get random bursts of inspiration, jot them down for later and come back to the task at hand. And don't be afraid to set boundaries and say "no" to unrelated requests that come your way if it means you can stay focused on the end goal!

2. Use the Right Tools

The appropriate tools can make or break a project. Do yourself a favor and invest in the best tools for the job. Whether that's an ergonomic office chair so your back doesn't seize up halfway through deadlines, or specific apps to help you stay organized, having the right tools will make your life infinitely easier.

Don't overthink it!

Is your browser slow? Upgrade it! Need a specific software program to get the job done? Get it!

Having access to the latest technology can make all the difference in how well you're able to work and how much you can accomplish while on the clock.

Yes, that also means finally letting go of that ancient laptop you've been clinging to or learning to use Google Docs instead of Microsoft Word. We understand the comfort of the familiar; it's just important to recognize when something new could be the difference between average and excellent output.

3. Take Breaks Throughout the Day

No matter how much some people try to convince themselves otherwise, humans aren't machines.

We need breaks throughout the day to recharge and refocus on the next task.

Take a quick walk outside, grab a cup of coffee, or chat with coworkers—whatever you need to refresh your mind.

We know how hard it is for dyed-in-the-wool workaholics to take breaks but trust us. It's better to take a step back and come back with a clear head than it is to burn yourself out by trying to tackle too much at once.

We like using oursmartwatchesto remind us to take a breather now and then. Five minutes every hour is a good starting point---but feel free to adjust your breaks as needed.

4. Set Smaller and More Achievable Goals

There's nothing more disheartening than spending all day working on a task and then coming up short.

Set yourself up for success by setting smaller, more achievable goals that you can chip away at throughout the day. That way, you can break down bigger tasks into little milestones and celebrate each small victory as you go along.

Don't underestimate the power of small wins to buoy motivation and keep you on track!

5. Maintain a Pristine Workspace

Yes,being organized is important.

It's a bit corny, but it's true: a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind.

You can be the most doggedly productive person in the world, but if your desk looks like a war zone, it's just a matter of time before you become overwhelmed and your productivity dips.

Take some time before the workday starts to organize, streamline, and declutter your workspace. We promise that it'll make a big difference in how efficiently you're able to get things done during the day!

6. Be Healthy

Yet another cliche, we know. But, hear us out:

Being healthy is one of the best ways to stay productive in the long run.

Eat right, get enough sleep, and exercise when you have time. All these little things add up to make a big difference in how your body and mind function throughout the day.

Staying healthy and productive go hand in hand. And don't forget to take some time off when you need it, because your mental health matters, too!



There you have it!

Implementing these six tips can help you make the most out of your workdays and optimize your productivity.

Don't be surprised if your boss and peers notice just how much you're able to accomplish in a shorter amount of time—while looking like you don't even have to try!