Top 4 benefits of wearing a mouth guard during contact sports

Top 4 benefits of wearing a mouth guard during contact sports

Many sports can cause potential injuries, and for people who practice sports professionally, and recreationally, and for children that have contact sports activities, it's essential to have proper protective equipment. Among the often sports injuries facial ones are frequent, while the most common facial injuries are considered dental ones. Although a mouthguard can be inconvenient for most people to wear, it is usually the most important part of protective equipment. Dental implants Harrisburg NCprofessionals have dedicated today's article to the importance of wearing the mouth guard during the sport and the ways it protects you from serious injuries.


1. A mouth guard protects your teeth


Teeth protection is the obvious purpose of a mouth guard. Protective gear creates an effective barrier between teeth and any impact and pressure that might occur to other players' elbows, feet, heads, balls, or other playing sports objects.

The impact of a hard object on teeth can cause cracking, fractures, chips, displacement, breakage, and even tooth knockout and loss of one or more teeth.

Tooth displacement causes sensitivity and tooth movement which can be prevented by creating a cushioning of the teeth with a mouth guard.

Fractures of the tooth crown, bridgework, and root damage are also common in sports for people who don't wear protective gear.

Tooth knocked out, besides being painful and cracking the smile, can be costly to repair.

Tooth reparation and implants usually are expensive so protecting your smile mouth guard prevents the large expenses that might occur. 


2. Prevents jaw fractures


A mouth guard has the ability to displace the displacing force that the jaw bones cant handles otherwise. The property of protective gear is creating a padding effect that prevents from breaking or fracturing a jaw, which requires surgery and long recovery. The jawbone operation is also a costly process that requires significant funds and time for rehabilitation. 


3. Prevents facial injuries


Direct hit on a mouth can cause a person to bite a soft mouth tissue producing tissue damage. This refers to biting a tongue, lips, or the inner side of the cheek. The bite can be strong enough to create an open wound that requires stitches and leave a scar. 

Children and people with teeth bracelets are especially prone to these kinds of injuries, which is why wearing a mouth guard for persons with teeth bracelets are particularly beneficial as it prevents gums and inner cheeks injuries.

By covering the sharp surfaces, teeth, and bracelets, the mouth guard prevents a direct cutting of lips and tissue inside the mouth.


4. Prevents concussion


Experts' opinions are conflicted regarding this subject. However, the mouth guard's ability to create a wadding between the maxilla (upper jaw bone) and mandible (the bone that forms the lower jaw line and holds the teeth) that moderates the force mandible pushes up to the skull reduces the risk of concussion.


Types of mouthguards


Mouthguards usually consider only the upper teeth. It should be resistant to tearing and comfortable for the user and not create a barrier for easy breathing and speaking.

The most common types of mouthguards are:


  • Stock

These mouthguards don't consider custom fitting and come in three sizes small, medium, and large. Stock guards are considered the least protective and quite uncomfortable for wearing from all mouthguards variety. 


  •  Boil and Bite 


This mouthguard type is produced by boiling the pre-prepared mouthguard and biting the compound to get a personalized module of the customer's teeth. This process can be repeated many times until you realize the proper fit that will be suitable and comfortable for individual use.

Boil and Bite mouth guards can be found in sports equipment stores and pharmacies.


  • Custom made mouthguard


A custom-made mouth guard is made by a dentist. This type of mouth guard is the most comfortable and protective kind of protective gear. These custom-fitted mouthguards are created concerning the particular individual mouth, teeth, and jaw shape providing the best fit and wear compliance for each user.


Care Instructions


For maintaining mouthguard resistance and cleanness, you must follow certain care instructions which include: 

  • storing your mouthguard in the proper container,
  • cleaning it after every use (typically using a toothbrush with water and soap or toothpaste)
  • don`t sink it in boiling water as this can change the shape and therefore the fit of your mouthguard 
  • Don`t leave your mouthguard in the sun as it can also misshape the gadget
  • regularly inspect your mouth guard for any sign of crack and damage
  • Never chew your mouthguard
  • If you notice that your mouthguard is becoming uncomfortable and doesn't fit as before, it`s time to change for a new one



With all the mentioned reasons that speak in favor of wearing the mouth guard, there is no further doubt you and your children should not omit to put it before starting your sports activity. Although wearing a mouth guard can be quite uncomfortable concerning the difficulty in breathing and speech, it`s better to prevent than to treat the injury.