What is The Best Link Building Approach?

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Guest posting, without any doubt. 

I know that people aren’t very aware of the importance of guest posting. Plus, guest posting requires a consistent effort. 

However, if you do it the right way you can fetch tremendous results. Higher organic rankings, rankings, traffic, authority building, etc. 

Do you know how guest posting works? How to do it correctly? Benefits of it? 

Worry not! I have your back. 

In this article, I will delve into the core of guest posting and explain to you why it is the best way to build links.

What is Guest Posting? How Does it Work?

In terms of link building, 64.9% of SEOs prefer guest posts, making them the most popular strategy. 

Guest posting is simply writing for other sites and getting a link back to yours. This inbound link is known as backlink.  

How does guest posting work? Let’s understand with this example: 

-Let's say you are a fitness expert and you want to reach a wider audience.

-You find a popular fitness blog that accepts guest posts.

-Now, you are writing an informative article about the benefits of a healthy diet and exercise.

-The blog publishes your article, allowing their readers to benefit from your expertise.

*In return, you get exposure to their audience, who may visit your own website or social media profiles to learn more about you.

Benefits of Guest Posting

Guest posting has some awesome benefits. Here are they:  

First thing first. Though there is no official document about the importance of guest posting and rankings, it impacts rankings. According to Ahrefs “Generally speaking, the more backlinks a page has, the more organic traffic it gets from Google.” 

It helps you expand your reach and get your name out there. When you write for someone else's blog or website, you tap into their audience and gain exposure to new people who might be interested in what you have to say. It's like borrowing someone else's microphone to speak to a larger crowd! 

It helps you build credibility and establish yourself as an expert in your field. By providing valuable content to the host site's readers, you showcase your knowledge and expertise. This can boost your reputation and make people trust and respect you more. 

Another cool benefit is that guest posting can drive traffic to your own website or blog. When readers enjoy your guest post, they might want to learn more about you and what you do. So they'll click on the link in your author bio or byline and visit your site, bringing you new visitors and potential customers. 

Moreover, it often allows you to get backlinks to your own site. These are links from the host site back to your website. Backlinks are great for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) because they signal to search engines that your site is valuable and trustworthy, which can improve your search rankings.

Guest Posting Best Practices

Guest posting requires a step-by-step strategy that requires your careful intervention.  

Check for relevancy. Figure out whether the target site is related to your niche. If you are from the digital marketing niche, make sure the host site also talks about digital marketing. 

Keep a close eye on their metrics. The success of guest posting getting links from sites with high DA, DR, traffic, an etc. 

Research the target site carefully. Take the time to understand the host site's content, audience, and writing style. This helps you tailor your guest post to their readers' interests. 

Provide valuable and unique content to the site. Offer something fresh and valuable to the host site's audience. Share your expertise, insights, and actionable tips that readers can benefit from. 

Adhere to guest posting guidelines. Each site may have specific guidelines for guest posts. Make sure you read and follow them carefully to increase your chances of acceptance. 

Always craft a compelling headline. Grab attention with a catchy headline that entices readers to click and read your guest post. Make it engaging and relevant to the topic. 

Try to write high quality content. Focus on delivering well-written, organized, and error-free content. Use subheadings, bullet points, and examples to make it easy to read and digest. 

Incorporate internal and external links. When appropriate, include relevant links to other articles on the host site and external sources to provide additional value and context. 

Engage with the audience. After your guest post is published, actively participate in the comments section. Respond to readers' questions, provide further insights, and engage in meaningful discussions. 

Promote your guest post. Share your published guest post on your social media channels, email newsletter, and other platforms to increase its visibility and reach. 

Trying to build relationships with the guest authors. Guest posting is not just about getting your content out there. It's an opportunity to build relationships with the host site, its readers, and fellow guest authors. Engage with them and nurture those connections. 

After your guest post is live, send a thank you note to the host site, expressing your appreciation for the opportunity. This shows professionalism and strengthens the relationship.

And That’s a Wrap Up!

Was this article helpful? I believe that you find it helpful enough to start your guest posting journey. If you have further questions to ask, feel free to reach out to me. 

In case you need a team of experts guiding you on this journey, seek help from a link building services. 

That’s all for the day. Thanks for reading.