Age and Playground Equipment: What To Know

Age and Playground Equipment: What To Know

Playgrounds are designated places for children to have fun, be active, and develop various skills. When choosing the right commercial playground equipment for your business or community, consider the age of the intended users. Different age groups may require different equipment types and designs to promote safe play.

Age-appropriate Design for Commercial Playground Equipment

Age-appropriate designs provide children with commercial playground equipment that offers a safe and accessible play experience. The equipment on the playground should be tailored to fit the age and abilities of the intended user group. Equipment intended for younger children can feature lower platforms, shorter slides, and smaller spaces to promote accessibility and independence. Playgrounds for older children might include rung ladders, steep slides, and climbing walls. Each design should account for the developmental abilities of the children. Some equipment may require basic coordination, while others may require more advanced skills. Consider the following age groups when selecting playground equipment:

Toddler Playgrounds

Playgrounds designed for toddlers should prioritize safety to help minimize bumps and bruises. Features of toddler playgrounds include low-to-the-ground platforms, mini-slides with short, wide steps leading up to them, and swings with deep bucket seats. Choosing equipment that avoids complex, narrow steps and ladders provides opportunities for independent toddler play.

Preschool Playgrounds

Preschoolers may require equipment that challenges their physical skills, including slightly more advanced climbing, sliding, and balancing. Playground equipment like simple climbers, swings, and age-appropriate slides cater to their developing motor skills. Preschool playgrounds can also include more opportunities for imaginative play, encouraging social interactions with other children.

Elementary School Playgrounds

Elementary school-aged children typically have further developed skills, so playgrounds can include challenging equipment to match their abilities. Commercial play equipment such as monkey bars, rock climbers, and spiral slides may be incorporated. Playgrounds should provide sufficient space for children to engage in group games and activities.

Middle School Playgrounds

Middle schoolers may benefit from equipment that offers a physical challenge. Equipment such as zip lines, net climbers, obstacle courses, and sports courts can help cater to their physical and social development needs. Play equipment for this group can also provide spaces for children to hang out and socialize with their peers, such as large towers or ground-level benches.

Multi-age Playgrounds

Play spaces that cater to various age groups can help promote communication and cooperation among new peers. Playgrounds offering various age-appropriate options also encourage children of different ages to interact and utilize their social skills. When designing multi-age play spaces, equipment should be grouped according to age level, with designated areas for each group. Choosing accessible playground equipment with ramps and handrails allows children of all abilities to participate.

Upgrade Your Playground Equipment


Choosing the appropriate equipment for your school, daycare, or community playground helps meet the developmental needs of the children playing on it. Different ages may require different equipment to facilitate their physical and social development. By understanding the needs of children of different ages, you can choose a playground that caters to their specific safety and independence needs.