7 Steps To Writing A Great Essay & Actually Enjoy A Process

URL: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2019/08/14/04/37/flat-lay-4404703_960_720.jpg


At first glance, it seems pretty easy to write an essay: you need to choose a topic and express your opinion on it. But in practice, everything is much more complicated. First, consider that a quality essay has a clear structure and contains theses, arguments, and appropriate quotes, confirming the author's thoughts.


That is why writing an essay is quite a difficult task, not only for pupils or students but even for experienced marketers and writers. And in this article, we've tried to take a more detailed approach to this question and step back a bit from the common materials you can easily find on the web. So step confidently, following our tips that help you achieve a good result and make writing an essay easier and more pleasant.

# 0 Step: Don't Wait for Inspiration

If you can't start writing an essay because your muse has gone on vacation, search for inspiration independently rather than waiting for it. To do this, you can look in the library or on a corresponding website, find several essays on related topics, and immerse yourself in reading until you feel like doing the work yourself.


We are sure you'll be pleasantly surprised by the number of interesting thoughts and fresh ideas that may come to mind during this fascinating process. So it is advisable to keep a notebook and a pen near you to immediately write down the thought that slipped in since it may come in handy later.

# 1 Step: Research the Topic

It may be tempting enough to sit down and start writing with a simple sentence as a starting point. But if you don't understand why and what to write about, the process will take much longer, require even more effort, and result in a dull essay. But if you spend time preparing materials and researching the chosen topic, the writing will take a minimum of time, and the piece will be much more exciting than in previous cases. And one more thing: you can't write good work without being interested. Thus, if you can choose, you focus on the topics you want to explore.

# 2 Step: Determine the Audience

Writing an essay that will be useful and interesting to everyone at once is quite an unrealistic task, and you have to accept that. Consider also that audience segmentation and choice of the topic for this particular segment is necessary. Sometimes you can cover two or more audiences, but it happens rarely. For example, your target audience may look like this:


✔️ Owners of large and medium-sized businesses;

✔️ Entrepreneurs who want to know where and how to reach customers;

✔️ Internet marketers;

✔️ SMM managers;

✔️ SEO optimizers;

✔️ Project managers;

✔️ Contextual advertising specialists.


However, as we wrote above, covering more than 2-3 segments of the audience at once is quite tricky. That's why you should clearly define for whom your essay will be fascinating. And always be prepared because some readers will not understand your work and are even ready to challenge your opinion. It all depends on their level of knowledge and competence. So don't look at criticism as being personal.

# 3 Step: Decide on the Problem You Want to Solve

Remember the golden rule of every writer: one essay is the solution to one problem — no more and no less. In writing, the author can often enter a state of flow (most likely, you're familiar with it if you write regularly). Of course, in such a state, many new ideas can arise in your head. Many closely overlap with your essay but deserve a separate detailed analysis.


If that happens, put the topic aside. You don't need to confuse the reader with the intersection of many different issues. Otherwise, the work will be either incomprehensible or too voluminous for an essay: it won't be read through and will probably be considered useless. But the topic you set aside for the future will make another exciting essay.

# 4 Step: Use Questions and Quotes

The main task of the essay is to express the author's opinion on a particular aspect. And you can easily do that with the help of questions that cannot be answered in one-syllable answers. Writing an essay becomes easy if you formulate these questions correctly. All you have to do is answer them. Such questions should start with the words "why," "why," and "for what purpose."


Your essay will play with new colors if you will logically insert questions into the text and immediately give an exhaustive answer to them. It shows the reader what answers the author is looking for, what interests them, and what direction their thoughts are moving. Also, you should constantly monitor for possible misconceptions and flights of imagination in your text, mentioning only proven facts.


Moreover, it would be best to add some fragments of expert quotes that confirm the writer's opinion. For this purpose, you should supplement your thought with short striking expert words. And in this case, you will get much more trust from your readers.

# 5 Step: Don't Ignore the Dictionaries

URL: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/11/29/18/09/correcting-1870721_960_720.jpg


It would be best to keep a dictionary of synonyms and an English explanatory dictionary handy when writing. The first helps you find the most vivid definition, diversify the text, and avoid repetition. The second allows you to understand the meaning of each synonym accurately and consider minor differences in meaning to use them in the right place.

# 6 Step: Look for Phrases for Writing Essays

If your work is stalled, you can't even start a sentence, and no right words come to your mind, type "phrases for writing essays" into the Google search line. And after these easy actions, the ready-made selections will allow you to find the right introductory word in a matter of minutes.


It gives you a boost and helps you not repeat the same thoughts many times in the text. However, you can take an even better way, especially with a burning deadline. For example, you can use a website that compiles reviews on different writing services and choose the top essay writing service that best suits your goals.

# 7 Step: Get Help from a Friend

When the essay is ready, you can give it to a friend or colleague to read. When they do, you should ask what the text is about, what information they got from it, and what they understood and didn't. The perfect essay is one where the author reveals the topic on the points they planned, and the reader discovers what the writer wants to say. Then, of course, if the reader doesn't understand some issues, you should correct them.

The Bottom Line

URL: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2020/05/31/16/48/write-5243230_960_720.jpg


So, a well-written essay should reflect the author's experiences and view of a particular issue. That is why it is so important to argue your opinion in this prose literary genre and competently present information in an accessible, conversational style. We hope the seven steps to writing a great essay outlined in this article will help you succeed while enjoying the creative process.



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