How Can Access Control Enhance Facility Security?

In today's world, ensuring the security of facilities is a top priority for businesses, institutions, and government agencies. Access control systems play a crucial role in enhancing facility security by regulating who can enter or exit a building, room, or area. These systems help prevent unauthorized access, reduce the risk of theft, and ensure the safety of employees and visitors. 

One of the leading solutions in this field is Symantec Network Access Control. In this blog, we'll explore how access control systems, particularly Symantec Network Access Control, can significantly enhance facility security.

Understanding Access Control Systems

Access control systems are designed to manage and monitor access to physical and digital resources. In a facility setting, these systems use various methods to verify the identity of individuals before granting them access. Common methods include:

Key Cards and Fobs

 Employees and authorized personnel are issued key cards or fobs that they use to gain entry. These devices are programmed to grant access only to specific areas based on the individual's role and clearance level.

Biometric Scanners

 These use unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial recognition, or iris scans, to verify identity. Biometric access is highly secure because it is difficult to replicate or steal someone's physical traits.

PIN Codes

 Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) are used to authenticate users. This method requires individuals to enter a unique code to gain access.

Mobile Access

 Modern systems allow the use of smartphones as access credentials. Employees can use their mobile devices to enter secure areas, which is both convenient and secure.

How Access Control Enhances Security

Access control systems provide multiple layers of security that enhance the overall safety of a facility. Here are some key benefits:

Restrict Unauthorized Access

One of the primary functions of access control is to ensure that only authorized individuals can enter specific areas. This prevents unauthorized personnel from accessing sensitive areas, such as data centers, executive offices, or storage rooms containing valuable assets.

Monitor and Record Entries and Exits

Access control systems keep detailed logs of who enters and exits each area. This information is invaluable for security audits, investigations, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

Real-Time Alerts

Advanced access control systems can send real-time alerts to security personnel if there is an attempt to gain unauthorized access. This allows for immediate response to potential security breaches.

Integration with Other Security Systems

 Access control can be integrated with other security systems, such as surveillance cameras and alarm systems. This creates a comprehensive security solution that can quickly identify and respond to threats.

Time-Based Access

 Access can be restricted based on time. For instance, employees might only be granted access during their working hours. This prevents unauthorized access outside of designated times.

Symantec Network Access Control

Symantec Network Access Control (SNAC) is a leading solution that exemplifies how access control can enhance facility security. SNAC is designed to secure both physical and digital environments by ensuring that only compliant and authorized devices can access the network. Here’s how SNAC contributes to facility security:

Device Compliance

SNAC ensures that all devices attempting to access the network meet the security policies of the organization. This includes up-to-date antivirus software, patches, and other security measures. By enforcing these policies, SNAC helps prevent compromised devices from gaining access and posing a security risk.

User Authentication

SNAC integrates with various authentication methods to verify the identity of users and devices. This ensures that only authorized individuals can access the network and its resources.

Endpoint Security

SNAC provides comprehensive security for endpoints (e.g., laptops, smartphones) by continuously monitoring their compliance status. This is crucial for preventing breaches that could arise from insecure or compromised endpoints.

Centralized Management

SNAC offers centralized management of access control policies, making it easier for administrators to implement and enforce security measures across the entire organization.


SNAC is scalable, making it suitable for organizations of all sizes. Whether you have a small office or a large enterprise, SNAC can be tailored to meet your specific security needs.


In conclusion, access control systems are vital for enhancing the security of any facility. They restrict unauthorized access, monitor entries and exits, provide real-time alerts, and can be integrated with other security systems for comprehensive protection. Symantec Network Access Control stands out as a powerful solution that not only manages physical access but also ensures network security by enforcing compliance and authenticating users and devices. By implementing robust access control measures like SNAC, organizations can significantly improve their facility security, protecting both their physical and digital assets.

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