The meth epidemic is an ongoing threat to public health in America and even worldwide. But how does this synthetic stimulant continue to reach untold thousands of people? Is it mainly because of the dangers of local drug production efforts, the import of this drug from cartels in other countries, or both? Here’s what you need to know about the local and imported dangers of methamphetamine in America and how to respond.
Meth’s Popularity
Part of the reason meth became such a popular commodity in the United States is it could overcome all the cocaine market’s hurdles. Unlike cocaine, meth is not localized to a specific region, such as the coca plants in South America. Instead, meth can be manufactured largely by over-the-counter medicines, and some of which used to be available right off the shelf. Not only that, but meth proved to deliver an intense high for people used to the stimulating effects of cocaine. Best of all, this drug did not need to be imported from another country, so it was cheaper, accessible, and in a short time, wildly popular.
Imported Meth
This does not mean meth is a “local” drug in America without influence from drug cartels in different countries. While the drug has been and continues to be “cooked” by people in their DIY meth labs, the demand for meth has brought forth increasingly potent forms. Many drug seizures that have taken place over the past few years point to a large influence from Mexican drug cartels and a chemical supply chain from China. What’s worse, many of these highly potent forms of methamphetamine are also laced with other powerful drugs of entirely different classes, such as the highly potent and deadly opioid fentanyl.
While this has proved a valuable way for dealers to cater to those who use stimulant drugs like methamphetamine and others who prefer the sedating effects of opioids like fentanyl, this drug combination has also been responsible for a steady rise in overdose deaths.
A Nationwide Problem
But the problem is not limited to one region of the United States. In fact, in 2022, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) uncovered one of the single largest methamphetamine busts in the smallest state in the country, Rhode Island. According to reports, the seizure included over 600 pounds of methamphetamine, among other pills, totaling over $4 million in street value. Unfortunately, most of these methamphetamine pills were actually counterfeit Adderall pills. Unfortunately, this means many people can become addicted to methamphetamine without intending to use the drug, such as the case of those who would have potentially bought the illicit forms of Adderall.
Unintentional Meth Use
While legitimate Adderall is an amphetamine, a drug belonging to the same chemical family as methamphetamine, the two drugs are still different, not to mention the chemically toxic additives found in meth during production. When prescription Adderall users become addicted and seek to use more pills than their prescription allows, they may buy what they believe to be Adderall from street dealers.
Unfortunately, this is a prime example of how there is no way to know what is actually included in the street forms of Adderall. It could easily contain methamphetamine, fentanyl, or any number of drug combinations in fatal amounts.
Homemade Meth
While a simple web search reveals that drug busts involving meth from other countries are daily occurrences in America, it will also reveal that numerous meth labs continue to pop up. Most of the meth labs in the country should not be confused with highly technical methamphetamine manufacturing operations that happen in countries with fewer regulations. Instead, local meth labs can pop up in abandoned houses, old hotels, or even in the middle of a residential neighborhood.
Often, these are run by people addicted to meth, and they can become highly dangerous places because of the explosive ingredients and the toxic chemicals that are byproducts of methamphetamine manufacturing. While these local meth lab operations are not responsible for the large production numbers seen in drug cartel operations, they pose a serious risk of putting nearby families and communities in danger that have no intention of using the drug.
Responding to Meth’s Dangers
When thinking about the combined dangers of methamphetamine, both local and imported versions of this drug are causing physical, emotional, and environmental damage, each in its own way. But this brings up the big takeaway about methamphetamine: it is highly addictive. The reason people take the risk of producing, smuggling, and purchasing this drug is because of its high potential for abuse.
While regulations are an important step to help protect our communities, dealing with the root of the issue, meth addiction, is the foundational step in the right direction. If you or someone you know is addicted to meth or any illicit drug that might contain it, you should seek treatment from medical professionals as soon as possible.
National Institute on Drug Abuse (2019, October). What is Methamphetamine? Retrieved
WCBI. (2021, October 18). The Main Ingredient for Meth will be More Accessible in January 2022. Retrieved
The Atlantic. (2021, October, 18). A New, Cheaper Form of Meth is Wreaking Havoc on America. Retrieved
Chicago Sun Times. (2023 February 24). Chicago is Seeing an Increase in Fatal Meth Overcoses. Here’s Why. Retrieved
The Guardian. (2022, January 23). ‘The Deadliest Drug We’ve Ever Known’: Author Sam Quinones on How Fentanyl Saturated the US. Retrieved
The Sun Chronicle. (2023 February 23). Cumberland man sentenced to 10 years in prison following huge meth bust by DEA. Retrieved
Delphi Health Group. (n.d.). Comparing Meth and Adderall: What’s the Difference? Retrieved
Herald Net. (2023 February 23). Edmonds, Everett motels’ meth contamination adds hurdle for shelter use. Retrieved
Las Cruces Sun News. (2023 February 6). Was your Las Cruces home ever the site of a meth lab? Retrieved
Delphi Health Group. (n.d.). Meth Addiction Signs and Treatment. Retrieved
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