Designing an SEO Friendly Website That Ranks Well: 4 Simple Tips


An SEO program plays a crucial role in helping your business rank highly on Google, and thus get more visitors. Without it, reaching out to new customers can be challenging, and search engine optimization is also among the most cost-effective methods of helping your business both grow and succeed.

But for any SEO plan to succeed, you need to ensure your website is designed correctly. Your strategies and efforts will be all for naught if your site design is poor. With that in mind, this blog post is going to go over a few tips for designing an SEO-friendly website that ranks well on Google and other search engines.

Create Great Content Featuring the Right Keywords

Arguably the biggest aspect of strong SEO is creating good content. It is this content which will appear in search results and draw in readers or viewers. Your content should be well-written and feature the right keywords. When it comes to keywords, the exact phrases or words you include will differ depending on your industry and what terms you want to rank highly for.

However, avoid simply stuffing a bunch of keywords into your content and hoping that will provide results. Search engine algorithms also take into account content value and readability, so if it is just a collection of strategically-placed keywords, it will have trouble ranking highly. Think of the value that content can provide first, and then add in some keywords naturally where they make sense.

Provide a Great User Experience


Another aspect of SEO that is very important to rankings is your user experience. If your site performs poorly in one way or another, search engines will know about it. You want to ensure your site looks good, features a simple navigation, and ensures no one is confused while browsing the site.

Be aware of the core principles of user experience and ensure to test your site out amongst the public and make sure the experience is solid. Also, you need to focus on how your site is experienced not only on a computer, but also mobile devices. Mobile traffic accounts for over half of all internet traffic, so don’t leave those people high and dry.

Boost Your Site Speed

The loading speed and overall performance of your site is another thing to think about. Things like slow load speeds can have negative consequences for your business and bottom line, so you want to get your site to load and work as quickly as possible. For example, if a site takes longer than a few seconds to load, many people will simply abandon the site and look elsewhere.

Thankfully, there are some things you can do to speed up your website. This includes reducing or optimizing pictures and videos, getting a better web host, or using a CDN (content distribution network).

Use Internal Linking

Another important, yet underrated, part of SEO is to use internal linking. This is the process of linking one page on your website to another. This helps search engines to not only discover new pages on your site, but also ensure they are indexed.

This idea also helps people stay on your website longer and discover new content or services that you may offer. Of course, make sure all of the links you use (both internal and external) fit naturally and are relevant to the subject matter of the blog or webpage.

In conclusion, by using these tips you can make sure the website you designed is SEO-friendly and will have a good chance of ranking well.

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