What are the things I need to know to start learning ReactJS?

If you're trying to learn React and are stuck with these questions above, then you're making mistakes during the learning process. It is undisputed the fact that ReactJS is the most prominent and most preferred software for front-end developers, and its popularity is growing day by day. The site running ReactJS looks stunning, and most of those new to development are also drawn to ReactJs (developed through Facebook). However, most professionals and even experienced developers commit an error: to leap straight into ReactJS (or any other framework and library) without understanding the requirements. If you decide to jump directly to React, you'll encounter many issues while studying this library.

You may find yourself stuck in your interview if you're asked questions about ES6, JSX, Babel Package manager, the basics of Javascript, or any other fundamental concepts. Before jumping into React, we will discuss some of the fundamental concepts you need to know. These basic concepts will assist you in acquiring various other libraries and frameworks of Javascript shortly.


Every front-end developer begins their journey using HTML along with CSS. Therefore, before developing your reaction skills, you must create HTML and CSS proficiently. It is essential to be able to create semantic HTML tags as well as the process of writing CSS selectors as well as how to make use of classes, and how to implement the CSS reset model, box model, reset the border-box to border-box, the flexbox model and how to create responsive web applications, including multimedia queries. You should also know how to develop a front-end app with HTML and CSS.

JavaScript Functions for calling back

A callback function can be described as a function which is executed when another function has finished its execution. It is typically used as an input for another function.

Callbacks are essential to be aware of as they are employed in array methods (and other array methods, such as setTimeout()), event listeners (such as scroll, click and others) and many other locations.

The basics of JavaScript

As mentioned previously, it is a function that will be executed after the first function has been completed. Now, you can contemplate stacking a number of callback functions over one another because you want an individual function to be running once the function that it is a part of has completed running or a particular time has passed.

The fundamentals of Javascript and ES6

Whatever, you won't learn to master React if your Javascript foundation isn't understood. Before attending job interviews, it's one of the essential skills to master before moving on to react. JavaScript is among the most challenging languages for developers. It only considers small mistakes that could cause problems for your application if you detect them later. Make sure you have a good understanding of the fundamental knowledge of javascript before you can move on to the higher level of ECMAScript5 or ECMAScript6. A few of the subjects are provided below. However, ensure that you research all you can and then build your projects for an in-depth understanding of Javascript.

Begin by working with variables, numbers, strings, and boolean and clarify your ideas regarding the other fundamental concepts. Create a simple app in which you can use a calculator to discover how everything works together.

Discover the operator, conditional loops, functions, Javascript keywords arrays, objects and many other essentials.

The handling of events and DOM manipulation and how 'this' keywords work are entirely different in javascript (which can be confusing for most programmers).

Higher-order functions and callbacks the arrow function. State (how states and the setState() function) Scope, Class and constructors extended and inheritance map-reduce, filter closures, promises, modules const let (difference between const, var and let) as well as other functions that are part of ES5 as well as ES6.

Package Manager (Node + Npm)

When using ReactJS, you'll need to install a variety of smaller software applications. Packages in javascript contain all the files required for a module. Modules are the Javascript libraries which can be integrated into your Node project. Packages include two things: package.json files + js files. To install these packages, you require an excellent installer that allows users to connect and download the software quickly without stressing about dependencies.

Command Line Interface (GIT and CLI)

Git (version control) is another critical capability developers must have to save their work in GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab (Code hosting platform). It allows developers to work and collaborate and lets them track and store different versions of the project's files. You must know how Git and the other code hosting platforms function. Developers of react JS development companies utilize the command line of Git to monitor the files' version and learn to use all commands, including push, pull, add, commit, etc. Learn the basics of merging and branching, dealing with conflicts with merging, etc.

Related: What is React?


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